Monday, October 27, 2008

Your On The Brink No Quizo Update

Okay, I know we had planned to do the whole charity thing tonight, but we've hit a bit of a snag.

You've seen the pictures on the news, from when the Phillies won the pennant last week and when the Eagles were in the Super Bowl and things of that nature, from the intersection of Cottman and Frankford? You know, that spot where thousands of local residents pour out into the streets to celebrate? Yes, well. I live about a block from there. It's very lovely. We have lawns and trees and small children and a Santucci's and everything. I was out in the middle of the intersection with everyone else for the pennant win last week and it was a damn good time.

However, while I live a scant block or so from this soon-to-be party central, the difficulty is that said party central is BETWEEN I-95 and my house, so if I were to come down to the pub for a Phillies win tonight it would quite literally be physically impossible for me to get home afterward.

I noticed on my way in to work this morning that the cops were already setting up to block off the intersection - a good idea that was first implemented last week, thus preventing the traffic chaos that accompanied the Super Bowl - and it looks like they're going to be pushing traffic back even farther than before. We endorse this idea as well; the more space thousands of people have to and scream and yell and enjoy each other's company the better.

I discussed this fortunately unfortunate turn of events with some folks at the pub yesterday and got a couple offers of couches to crash on downtown, but to those folks I give the same answer to people who ask me if I want to go camping: I appreciate the offer, but I sleep in a bed, thank you very much. So I will be homebound tonight and we won't be having any Quizo, normal, charity-special or otherwise. I know we are all saddened by this, but hopefully it will be worth our supreme sacrifice.

And, though we do not under any any ANY circumstances use the P-word until such an event is a finite certainty, should a P-word-type event take place - and I cannot emphasize enough to Fortune, Loki, and the restless spirit of Cole Porter that I am NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM STATING OR EVEN REMOTELY IMPLYING that such a thing WILL happen - I imagine there would be some sort of side-event at the Dark Horse which might - OH PLEASE GOD I SAID MIGHT DO NOT SMITE US O LORD! - involve me buying lots of drinks for people.

I'm also thinking about "liveblogging" the game tonight, as the kids call it. I will probably discard this notion as far more work than I ever care to do, but if more than two people express interest I suppose that would force me into it.

One more, people. One more.



Scotty said...

what was that you were saying about Loki, Fortune and/or the Good Lord Smiting us? I think we were just Smoted something good.

A Rain-out suspended game in the World Series? I attribute it too too many asshats Googling "Phillies Parade" yesterday. Do not anger the Baseball Gods. They are not to be trifled with. I'm not saying that now I've lost hope - I'm just saying the Baseball Gods have revealed themselves to be spiteful at best. Stop poking the bear.

Oh, and Bud Selig is an idiot. But that, my friends, is not news.

Scotty said...