Monday, March 30, 2009

Employed? Is this a... what day is it?

So, here I am on a Monday, and for the first time in four years I'm not trying to wrangle up a weekly website/e-mail update or thinking about trivia questions or speed rounds or anything like that. It's a strange feeling, one both pleasant and unsettling at the same time. It will take some getting used to.

A couple people have very kindly said that they will miss reading my insane ramblings on Mondays, and to those people: thanks. That's really very gratifying. I'm glad you enjoyed reading them; for the most part I enjoyed writing them. To answer the question posed by some of those same people, and a few others: though it is exceedingly unlikely I will continue to update this place every Monday, I intend to have some sort of web-writer-ish-presence going forward.

This place will change, obviously. The title needs to get fixed, and the sidebar items need to reflect the fact that I am no longer in the trivia business. There is a growing part of me that wants to migrate this entire thing over to WordPress, which in my limited noodlings I have found interesting. Those changes will roll out of here over time, and as they happen you will be sure to know about it.

For those who simply cannot bear to go completely without the written-word insanity I am psuedo-famous for, here's a little tidbit - a tease, if you will - from what I'm working on now:

"We have more than a dozen titles on general automobile repair, a complete set of service books for the Chevrolet 2005 model year, an entire shelf on the maintenance and repair of heating and air conditioning systems, two antique hardbacks on grandfather clock design written in German and a Star Trek technical manual, but to date we have not found anything pertaining to the upkeep of analog weather forecasting equipment."



Scotty said...

In the words of Judge Smalls, "Well??? We're waiting..."

Scotty said...

JOHN! Please post something! Otherwise, I'll have to think of something else on Mondays... like work!